Friday, 3 September 2010

Scarlet Apples

Welcome to the first in a series of music mixes I've created over the last few days.
The seed for this initially started when I had the urge to create a new mix of music for a friend I used to share music with, back in more (or less) innocent days of beautiful cassette tapes. It was an interesting experience then, when I realised that suddenly, faced with a lack of time constraints and analogue FF and RW buttons for searching, that creating a simple mix was not going to be that straightforward. I ended up with over 100 tracks in a very short space of time and realising this was pretty unworkable for a one off mix, I decided to create a little series of mix tapes from all the tracks. So here is the first installment in a series of seven and as a tribute to those old mix tapes I used to make, each one has its own slightly hysterical name.
Every mix is a variety of styles and unpredictable content, even if everything included doesn't appeal to your ears, if you like music then even in this day and age, you'll find something that makes your ears alert against your will(hopefully)!
So then, on with some crazy music, some beautiful, some forgotten, some classics, some dark, some weird, some noisy and some which just have to have your attention.
Enjoy and watch out for the next installment. If you have any thoughts about the music here, please leave your comments.

Mix tape 1: Scarlet Apples in the Invisible Freezer.

1.Butterglory: The Skills of the Star Pilot
2.Animal Collective: La Rapet
3.Ed Hall: Rachel Hourglass
4.Photophob: ((Ø))
5.Beck: 08.06.82
6.The Van Pelt: His Steppe is my Prairie
7.Acreil: Magnolia#02
8.I'm being Good: Joust
9.Amp: Frieze
10.Hail: Racer Hero
11.Furniture Huschle: Tricks
12.The Fall: Kimble
13.Arab Strap: Here we go

Quagmire of the Antler People is now on Mixcloud and each compilation has
been carefully re-done and revamped especially. Exciting or what!


  1. Hello. I was going to listen to these but when I put it in my iTunes it exploded into its constituent tracks making it very difficult to listen to as a cohesive mix. I will put it right through the joy of iTunes info but I thought you should know.

    Daddy Tank

  2. Err, yes, I totally meant for that to happen. It's a special exploding mix.
    Em, an artistic statement? x/

    Oh dear. I listen on Foobar2000, a great,light Cpu friendly player so I keep forgetting people use other things. I threw it together fast, like a tape, next time I guess I'll have to tag and Id3 things properly!

  3. It's ok, I know you're not so sure of yourself when it comes to audio technology.......

  4. Oooh, check out the shiny newness. Separate track problems be gone!
