Thursday, 23 September 2010

Soda in the stream

It's been a busy week here at the Quagmire. The decorators were round
because we felt that coming up for this Halloween season, our window frames were
just not black enough! Since all the staff here have an inability to paint anything,we had to shell out and pay for some top action painters to come round and do the frames proud! However, much to our dismay, when they arrived, pots and brushes
in hand, several large spider crabs had decided to make a new home, right on the window sills and just refused to move. Now we like animals round these parts so painting over them was not an option. Not wishing to make the decorators journey a wasted one, we offered them some tasty Sodastream from our dynamic range of flavours in the cupboard. However we didn't have the cucumber and turtle flavour they wanted so we just compromised and gave the guy some music to listen to instead. But he said he didn't like it and ran out of the house, taking one of the spider crabs with him to go and start a new life in Northumberland.

Luckily we still have plenty of music left over for you lucky listeners. Harold from East Devonshire writes in this week, inquiring what is the best format and equipment to listen to the exciting mixes available here at Quagmire central. Well Harold, we quite like 78 speed records but for maximum aural enjoyment we recommend only listening on tape which you can play on this great up to date synth by Casio electronics, the CK-500, available in all the big retailers like Lewis's and Woolworths.

If tape doesn't do it for you Harold, can we suggest a step forward into space with the use of a CD Disc and highly recommend this tasty boombox which is a CD player and Sega Dreamcast all in one! If your eyes are fizzing at the prospect then wait to
see what happens to your ears!

You can also try recording it onto a wax cylinder, tying that to a hobby horse, tying yourself to the hobby horse, jumping into a road side ditch and lie drowning as you ponder on how much you dislike that aunt that made you read bible passages endlessly while sticklebacks eat away at your nose. Harold, we only want the best for our listeners here.
As a great man once said to me, ..."AHHHH, help, I'm in quicksand, quick, get a rope, nooooo."

On then to this weeks midgie torturing mix. Don't forget to take those carbonated empties back to your local MP.

1.Solar Race: Not Here
2.Fabio Frizzi: Irrealta Di Suoni(City of the Living Dead OST)
3.Engine Kid: Bear Catching Fish
4.LoveLiesCrushing: Ursec
5.Cranes: I Hope
6.Resident Evil Remake OST: Guardhouse 1
7.Third Eye Foundation: Four Damaged Lemons
8.Prolapse: Serpico
9.Sun City Girls: Flesh Balloons of Tibet
10.Arkos: Polarity
11.Since the Operation: Self Realisation through Vimto
12.Jonny Cohen: Christmas Trees Everywhere

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Plastercast of every Planet

A car drove past at high speed and from the passenger window, out flew a cassette tape, unmarked and miraculously undamaged. The tape was taken home, transferred and on it was found the following contents. Then mars fell into a vat of milk and exploded.

1.Fudge Tunnel: Bed Crumbs
2.Chris Clark: For Wolves Crew
3.Polvo: Mexican Radio
4.Mark Van Hoen: I remember
5.Distain: Give it Up
6.Flying Saucer Attack: The Drowners
7.Even as we Speak: Beautiful Day
8.Melt Banana: 55 Hands Need to Cut Down
9.Loafeye: Outtake
10.My Favourite: Go Kid Go
11.Seefeel: Is it Now
12.Bikini Kill: R.I.P
13.Quosp: Green
14.Happy Flowers: These Peas are so Green
15.Mitoma: A Frozen Minute

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

New Lawnmower

Hello and welcome to the official presentation of Danylion and Murdock's new Lawnmower.They are very proud of it and are happy to lend you it anytime you might be in need of using it for whatever use you come up with. If you open the petrol cap, inside, if you peer in really closely, you'll see a tiny note giving you directions to a file which is a fantastic mix of riveting audio you might not have heard before. However, after you do, you must never leave the house again. Sorry. Enjoy the audio which this time around contains lots of boom boom ruckus loudness.

1.Brian Eno: Sparrowfall (version1)
2.Medusa Cyclone: X-plodo Sun Hat
3.Trumans Water: Wing Spred Wide I thot 'ignition'
4.Michael Andrews: Gretchen Ross
6.Pocket Fishermen: Sodom and Gomorrah
7.Huggy Bear: Immature Adolesence
8.LungLeg: Blah Blah Blah
9.Mrs Jynx: Mazzjutant(remix of Oxynucid)
10.Broadcast and the focus Group: Libra. The mirror's minor self
11.Fashion Week: Bryant Park
12.Surgeon: Golden

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Broken Statues

Over a decade later since the last one (or at least 3 days if you live in boring reality) at last, here is the next installment of my continuing series of exciting music compilations. If you enjoyed the last one, then this should deliver a further fruit salad of styles. Tracks of delicious variety and moods intended to make you talk and if possible, go and find out more about the artists! If your Ipod is boring you, give this a listen and see if anything changes. As ever, any comments and discussion is encouraged. Play it loud, play it to people you like, hate, don't know, fancy etc...

Sunglasses for Broken Statues.
1.Kettel: Her Thin Voice
2.Macrocosmica: V For Vendetta
3.Brothomstates: Naeae Eletrok
4.Beck: 11/6/45
5.Fly Ashtray: Here comes the Coastguard
6.Phundamental: Kite
7.Rick Wakeman: The Burning (Main theme)
8.Hydroplane: Cross the Atlantic
9.Squirrel grab: In love with Barry Manilow
10.Be your own Pet: Bunk, Trunk, Skunk
11.Shaggs: That little Sports car
12.In Dust: Magnet Womb
13.Milieu: My friends all play broken Toys

Friday, 3 September 2010

Scarlet Apples

Welcome to the first in a series of music mixes I've created over the last few days.
The seed for this initially started when I had the urge to create a new mix of music for a friend I used to share music with, back in more (or less) innocent days of beautiful cassette tapes. It was an interesting experience then, when I realised that suddenly, faced with a lack of time constraints and analogue FF and RW buttons for searching, that creating a simple mix was not going to be that straightforward. I ended up with over 100 tracks in a very short space of time and realising this was pretty unworkable for a one off mix, I decided to create a little series of mix tapes from all the tracks. So here is the first installment in a series of seven and as a tribute to those old mix tapes I used to make, each one has its own slightly hysterical name.
Every mix is a variety of styles and unpredictable content, even if everything included doesn't appeal to your ears, if you like music then even in this day and age, you'll find something that makes your ears alert against your will(hopefully)!
So then, on with some crazy music, some beautiful, some forgotten, some classics, some dark, some weird, some noisy and some which just have to have your attention.
Enjoy and watch out for the next installment. If you have any thoughts about the music here, please leave your comments.

Mix tape 1: Scarlet Apples in the Invisible Freezer.

1.Butterglory: The Skills of the Star Pilot
2.Animal Collective: La Rapet
3.Ed Hall: Rachel Hourglass
4.Photophob: ((Ø))
5.Beck: 08.06.82
6.The Van Pelt: His Steppe is my Prairie
7.Acreil: Magnolia#02
8.I'm being Good: Joust
9.Amp: Frieze
10.Hail: Racer Hero
11.Furniture Huschle: Tricks
12.The Fall: Kimble
13.Arab Strap: Here we go

Quagmire of the Antler People is now on Mixcloud and each compilation has
been carefully re-done and revamped especially. Exciting or what!